Wednesday, 21 July 2010

Radiotherapy completed.

Well, it has seemed a long time but my six and a half weeks of radiotherapy are completed. Apparently any side effects should peak in about a week's time and then it is just a gentle climb back... I have been able to get quite a bit of reading done waiting for broken machines to be mended. The machines are very sophisticated and high maintenance and I guess I don't want to hear the radiotherapists say 'well it's pointing in roughly the right direction'!

I have a final appointment with the radiologist at the end of August.

I have been very well but am feeling very tired just at present. There is grace for this too. My times are still in His hands.

Wednesday, 7 July 2010

take it easy

I had never realised just how 'busy' being unwell could be. This morning I started with a visit to the local blood clinic for samples to be taken for further tests. Then a couple of hours later I had my daily visit to the radiotherapy unit at the Royal Berkshire Hospital. Then just time for a brief bite of lunch and an emergency visit to the dentist for some attention...

At the radiotherapy centre they say "you will be tired, take it easy..."

Tell me about it! ;-)
