Monday, 27 June 2011

a Capella Stent?

For someone who had just the vaguest notions of human biology the last couple of years have been quite a steep learning curve. This is not a reference to unaccompanied singing! The angiogram went well and established that fact that I have some bifurcation vascular damage and that I am to return to the Cardiology Unit on 15th July for treatment. The treatment is likely to be a 'Capella Stent'. I am going to leave it to the interested, and non-squeamish to 'google' these terms if you want more details.

My doctor son reckons that it is really good that this has been established and treatment is now in hand! I am sure he is right!

I am now on quite a cocktail of medication which is designed to keep things in order until the treatment. Some of these are having an impact on the energy levels again but otherwise I feel pretty good.

Thank you again for all your love and prayer. I will try to keep you in the loop.

Friday, 17 June 2011

General update and a ps

It occurred to me that I haven't updated this for quite some time. No news IS good news... generally.

A couple of months ago I had one of my six-monthly PSA tests in which the PSA levels were 'undetectable' which means there is no sign of the prostate cancer. How easy it is to take things for granted! I am grateful to the Lord and to my many friends who pray regularly for me and my family. Some I don't even know by name and then 'out of the blue' comes a note or a comment which says 'you don't know me, but we have been praying...' It is very humbling to be part of the family of God! So on the prostate cancer front things are looking good and the medics are very pleased with things as they are.

My energy levels are still not back to anything like what they were but are still improving. I am back to my normal loads in preaching in the UK but have not committed to any overseas visits at present. In May/June I have been preaching away from home almost every other week, shared in a 5 day residential conference in Devon and conducted a series of 10 studies on an Introduction to the Bible at a nearby mini-bible school. The surgery also left me with some mild incontinence issues but they are manageable and I am in good spirits. I have taken to 'sitting on a stool' when preaching and folks are accommodating to that pretty well.

and then the ps... A couple of months ago I began to experience odd and erratic pains in my arms and wrists when walking the dog and these increased until I could really only walk a hundred yards or so without extreme discomfort. There was no breathlessness although the pains subsided after rest. My GP decided to examine two suspects; a trapped nerve in the spinal column and the possibility of angina. I have had Xray examinations which confirmed that I have a fusion of a couple of disks in my spine which could certainly be the cause... it seemed we had our chief suspect... but then I had some heart tests yesterday, ECG and treadmill stress tests, which showed 'positive' so angina in back among the suspects too. I am scheduled for an 'urgent' angiogram on 24th July. In the meantime I am now on a daily beta-blocker in addition to my other medications.

I have always been blessed with a robust health and vigorous energy level so the last couple of years have been 'different' to say the least. What is not different is the particular loving care of a 'Father' who knows what things we have need of and has who has personally supervised each step of this journey. Our times are still and absolutely 'in his hands'.

I will try to keep you posted as the next chapter unfolds! Much love to you all and thank you all again for all your love and prayer.
