Saturday, 17 April 2010

a bit of a wipe out

I hadn't thought to be blogging here for a little while but I am just ending a week in bed with a heavy cold and mild bronchitis. Bronchitis can sometimes lead to pneumonia so my doctor has me on antibiotics and today is my first proper day 'up' since last Sunday.

We had a happy but busy weekend which included going to hear my 16 year old grand-daughter preaching at her church in nearby Bracknell. I was very blessed and impressed but very weary by the time we got home. I think my cold was already 'on the way' and my general weakness and the tiredness lowered my resistance even more... hence... a bit of a wipe out!

I am feeling much brighter today but am going to have to be more circumspect in my use of energy for a while I think. As ever the saints have rallied around providing lifts for my wife and daughter. We are blessed to be part of the family of God.

I have my first meeting with the radio-therapist this coming Wednesday. I think this is to talk through the procedures and formally pass me into the care of the radio-therapists. I am not expecting the treatment to begin for a few months but I should know a bit more on Wednesday. Again thank you for all your prayer.

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