Thursday, 14 January 2010

New Readers, please start here!

I am greatly blessed and encouraged by the response from so many in different parts of the world to my diagnosis of prostrate cancer... and a little overwhelmed by the task of keeping everyone in the loop. I hope this blog doesn't seem too 'over the top' to use the power of modern technology to assist in the task and it is not intended as an alternative to ordinary means of communication but merely an addition.

If this is your first intimation of my illness I apologise for bursting so abruptly into your mail box. Here is the first bulletin that I wrote on 8th January 2010

I was first diagnosed as having prostate cancer on 30th December after having had a biopsy earlier in the month and since then the medics have been collected more data to enable decisions regarding treatment.

8th Jan 2010
On Monday I had an MRI scan and a 'flow test'. I await the results of the MRI scan but the initial comment on the 'flow test' was that it was 'good'. My understanding is that this may give more options for treatment.

Today I went for a Bone Scan, where gamma radiated dye is inserted into the blood stream to enable a better scan of the bones.

The results from these three tests will become the basic data that the urology surgeon will use on Wednesday 13th to determine future treatment. The initial comments, but very early, are than it looks as if the cancer is contained (which is 'good') but that it is very aggressive; Gleason Scale 9. ( which is not 'good'). Unofficial conversations with medical people have brought up the prospect of 'radical prostatectomy'. That is regarded as 'major surgery'.

I will try to keep this note updated so that those who wish can keep up with things and I trust pray.

We are in good heart but the next real step is scheduled for Wed 13th. Thank you all for your love and prayer.

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