Wednesday, 20 January 2010

Surgery scheduled for Monday 25th January

Hi there,
Just spent 3½ hours at the hospital.

The PSA test (see earlier blog) has come in at 11, which is a good drop from the 63 which triggered the alert. This indicates that the high level was skewed by the urinary infection. If if had remained high it would have been another indication of the aggressiveness of the cancer and they would not have advised surgery but 'control' with radio therapy and hormone therapy.

The lower level means that there are more options open and the significance of this is that the consultant is now talking about cure rather than control. So he has advised open surgery to remove the prostate and the lymph nodes. This may be followed by radio therapy but in any event the PSA levels will be monitored and if it 'just so much as twitches we will zap it with radio therapy'.

I then had to go to the pre-operation preparation unit for more tests. Those all went well and if the anesthnetist?? is happy we are ready to go. In fact, it looks as though there has been a cancellation and I am now scheduled for major surgery this coming Monday 25th January. So I go in on Sunday and Mr Malon will operate first thing on Monday morning! I am then expected to me in hospital for 3-5 days before being allowed home. It could be 4-6 weeks before I am fit to drive.

There are always attendant risks with major surgery and we remain grateful for your love and prayer.

Margaret and myself were very impressed with the evident care and professionalism of Mr Shah, the urology consultant, and we had determined to agree to his advise.

We are a bit weary after the experience but are well.

We remain secure in His love and in His hands.


  1. Hi Ron,
    We'll be praying especially for you and for Margaret too on Monday. I know you will both be at peace about this 'dark tunnel' and we feel sure that He will accomplish some good things through this situation. Not easy, and Margaret and your children will all be drawing close to you just now. We pray that they will all know the assurance that you are in HIS hands, and He is working out His perfect plan for you. Will keep praying and trusting that the operation will go well and you will recover quickly. Love, Grace

  2. We are lifting you up to the Lord Ron as a congregation. I have taken hold of God in prayer for you. I'm trusting the Lord. You and Margaret are greatly beloved. I trust that the Lord will allow us to be together for RORA this year. That's how I am praying towards His will. So be encouraged dear brother! The steps of the righteous are ordered of the Lord. He will strengthen you to endure this trial. His eye is on that single sparrow that was thrown in as part of the deal. It did not fall without the Father- and you are worth more than MANY sparrows. Be encouraged friend!

  3. I'd like to be like you in my "valley of shadow". You\re a big encouragement for me. I pray that your faith will always lift you up closer to HIM. Follow this path Brother...Bless you!
    PS hope you understand my "pol/glish" :)

  4. Ron, I will continue to pray for you and for your surgery/recovery as well. You are a trooper and an inspiration :) God bless you and your wife!

