Sunday, 21 February 2010

Just back from the Sunday Morning Meeting now lunch and then off to the Royal Berkshire Hospital. I registered yesterday and dropped my things off so I just have to be there so that the surgery can take place tomorrow.

I have asked my son Mark, who is a consultant physician to drop a line or two to Gary Sims who is the webmaster for my website, and Gary will post it here on this bulletin.

It will be a few days before I can get back to my computer to write a note so thank you all again for your prayer for us. Please pray especially for the family, I shall know little of what is happening but they will be conscious and will need your prayer even more.

much love to you all

Ron Bailey


  1. Dear Ron, I know God will be with you and the Dr's. I will continue to pray for a successful treatment and recovery for you! :) Bless you!!

  2. You have been on my heart brother and I have lifted you up to the Lord again and again.

    And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. (Phil. 4:7)

  3. Praying for you brother!

  4. Dear Ron, you are in our hearts and minds before the Lord. Brothers and sisters from Poland (Ledziny. Myslowice) praying for you.

